TGreyCal Component. To install the Calendar component: 1. Select Options: Install Components in the Delphi IDE. 2. Click the Add button. 3. Click the Browse button. 4. Locate and select the GreyCal.dcu file 5. Click the OK buttons to close all the dialogs. The Delphi component library DLL will be recompiled with the new Calendar components added to the Additional page of the component palette. Files include: Calendar.txt This file. GreyCal.dcu This file contains the TGreyCal Component. GreyCal.dcr The component icon file. Calendar.hlp Windows help file. CalDemo.exe Demonstration program. CalDemo.dpr Demonstration project file. CalDemo.res Resource file for CalDemo. Demo.pas Source code for CalDemo.exe. Demo.dfm Source code for CalDemo.exe. Thank you for your interest in TGreyCal. Version 1.1 was written by Graham Winter and can be registered by sending a cheque for £5.00 to: Mr. G M Winter 44 Southfield Road Pocklington York YO4 2XE. I can be contacted on CompuServe ID 100025,1056 if you have any problems, questions or anything else